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Welcome to the Gu Research Group!  

            We are a polymer physics and engineering group based at the University of Southern Mississippi. Our group studies the polymer physics of conjugated polymers through advanced metrology with an emphasis on hard/soft X-ray and neutron scattering.

            We are grateful for current and previous funding from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), National Science Foundation (NSF), Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC), Oak Ridge Associated Universities, 3M and Exxon-Mobile for providing financial support to our group.


Our core value for the group can be described by ETHICS.

E = Expressiveness

T = Teamwork

H = Healthy

I = Integrity

C = Creativity 

S = Safety



Student trained (GS+others)

5.4M$ + 2.4M$

Funding raised as PI & Co-PI


Student Recognition 


Scholarly works

School of Polymer Science and Engineering

© 2016-2024  Gu research group,  All right reserved

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