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March 2024 Group Photo


Xiaodan Gu, Ph.D.

2022-Present   Associate Professor

2023 Visiting Faculty, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

2020-2022   Nina Bell Suggs Endowed Assistant Professor 

2017-2020   Assistant Professor, Univ of Southern Mississippi

2016   Post-Doc Stanford University &  Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource

Chemical Engineering

Advisor: Prof. Zhenan Bao & Prof. Michael F. Toney

2014   Ph.D. University of Massachusetts at Amherst

Polymer Science and Engineering

Advisor: Prof. Thomas P. Russell

Selected Honors​:

      2024  ACS PMSE  Celebration of Success and New Frontiers in Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering

      2023  Advanced Materials Raising Stars Special Issue      

      2023  NSF EPSCoR Research Fellows

      2022  3M Non-Tenured Faculty Award

      2021  Department of Energy (DOE) Early Career Award 

      2021  Nina Bell Suggs Endowed Professorship

      2021  National Science Foundation (NSF) Early Career Award 

      2020  ACS PMSE Young Investigator Award

      2019  Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award 



Saranga Raut (2023 - )

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Andrew Bates (2022- )


Saroj Upreti (2023 - )

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Md Moniruzzaman (2024 - )


Alyssa Shaw (2024 - )

NSF GRFP fellow

Research Scientist

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Dr. Haoyu Zhao (2020 -)

Ph.D.  Texas Tech Univ. 

Advisor: Sindee Simon

Visiting Student/Teacher

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Dr. Sean Cook (2022- )

Hinds Community College


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Dr. Kan Tang (2023- )


Advisor: Song Guo

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Undergraduate students

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Kaitochukwu Chukwuka  (2022- )

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Otitodilichukwu Chukwuka  (2022- )

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Ember Wilson (2022- )


Richard Sullivan (2024- )

Looking for talents!


We have 3~4 positions for highly-motivated graduate students and postdoc to join our group! The projects are mainly experimental polymer physics and device engineering. All the students currently in the program are welcome to apply. Please contact Prof. Gu to discuss the details of projects.


We especially encourage underrepresented minority and female students with diverse backgrounds to join the team!  


We also encourage prospective undergraduate students to apply for their doctoral degree in our department.  Detailed information can be found here.




School of Polymer Science and Engineering

© 2016-2024  Gu research group,  All right reserved

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